Im going to go the unpopular route on this one and state we shouldn’t support the troupes in Iraq. They are not putting their lives on the lines for America’s freedom but for an American supported government in Iraq. The news informs us we are giving the people of Iraq democracy but the people there do not want that government and as such is it democracy if we are forcing it upon them, as democracy is choice by popular opinion and popular opinion leads against this government. The media talks about all the American lives that are lost in the war, dont get me wrong these are young kids i really wish they wouldn’t be put in this situation they are far too young to face death, but they made the decision to join the army in the knowledge that a war was going on. on top of this they are killing the Iraqis in far greater numbers than they are facing themselves. We are an invading country over there and are soldiers didnt join because they wanted to protect the nation, all of the soldiers there now have had time to learn whats going on before joining as weve been there for eight years. no the soldiers that are there now joined to make money, they made an informed decision to take part in the iraq invasion and force a government on its people for the purpose of financial gain. I wish for all of them to get home safely but i cannot support what they are doing there, they are invading and killing a people standing up for what they believe in for financial gain and as such do not deserve support.